Wednesday, December 5, 2012

YEM Party Influenced Music - Ace port

YEM Party Influenced Music (ACE)

Ported to Ace by Adon237

For some odd reason, no other ACE users that I have seen cared about this script, but it was one of my favorites. I always hate listening to the same battle music all of the time, it gets monotonous after a while, no matter how gorgeous the theme is. This script aims to solve that problem, by giving the ability to assign party members themes. Here is how it works: (don't yell at me for my poor syntax highlighting, I do not see a code option)

# This hash adjusts the random battle themes that may be played depending
# on whether or not the party member is present in the battle when the music
# loads up. Each array contains possible themes that may play for battle.
# Actor 0 is the common pool. Inside of that array contains all of the
# battle themes that can bebe played regardless of who's in the party.
ACTOR_MUSIC ={ # ActorID 0 must exist.
# ActorID =>;
0 => , # End Common
1 => , # End Actor1
2 => , # End Actor2
3 => , # End Actor3
} # Do not remove this.
 That up there is the main configuration section, AKA where you will be assigning actor ids to music.

["Party", 100, 100)],

The above is what is used to assign a BGM to an actor. So let's start by setting 0, or a common BGM that has a chance of being chosen no matter what. Say you wanted the ever so awesome "Battle7" bgm file from the RTP to be used as a battle theme, you simply replace what is in the ""s with Battle7.

["Battle7", 100, 100)],

 This should be inserted after the 0 => in the configuration. If you want to adjust Volume and Pitch, simply change the values of the numbers after the BGM name. The first one SHOULD be for volume, and the second for pitch.

It is that simple! When actors that have any of the Ids with a bgm assigned, they BGM that will play will be selected from 0 and the actor ids in battle. Example, if actor1, actor4, actor12, and actor3 were in battle, themes assigned to 0,1,4,12, and 3 will be entered to be randomly selected.


There is no need for a demo, there aren't any graphics or anything that needs to be demonstrated, so here is the download link:
YEM Party Influenced Music ACE 

Please credit Yanfly for making the original in VX, and Adon237 for porting to Ace. 
This should be compatible with nearly everything, besides scripts that do the same thing.

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