Animated Title Screen
Based off of the VS:Animated Title Screen by Hanzo Kimura
Modified by Adon237
As I was on a hunt looking for some new and exciting title screen script, when I found the one Hanzo Kimura was using in Valkyrie Stories. I was excited at first, but came to realize that all of the extra graphics wasn't what I wanted. This script is simplified, instead of fancy title option selection, this script gives you the regular title select window, along with a title background, sparkles floating on it, and a logo that waves at a set rate. With decent artistic ability, this script can create a gorgeous start screen.
- A fully functioning title screen, with a static background, particles floating along it, and a logo that waves at a set rate.
How to Use
Download the demo, which contains the script itself along with sample graphics. Copy the script into your project, and modify the title graphics to your liking. I am using this script in my game, and the graphics provided are being used in it, so I do ask that you don't just stick them in and call it a day, please change it up some. :)
Get it here:
Q: Zuggablargh! This script isn't working blah blah blah you suck!
A: This script may be incompatible with other things, especially things that modify the title screen (who'da thunk it?) as well as scripts that show logos before the script. Always test to make sure! I am not responsible for making this compatible for you, though I can verify its compatibility as I have tested it in a project stuffed to the brim with scripts.
Credit and Thanks
- Hanzo Kimura (either he or his scripter created this script)
- Brave2Kilo (converted it to ACE)
- Adon237 (modified the script)
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