Introducing First Person:
Diabolica has ditched the normal 2/3 view that is the default for RPG Maker games, and thanks to the FPLE engine and much graphical work on my part, Diabolica is now First-person!
I am glad with the results, however, I still have much more graphical work to do. Specifically decorations and interactive event graphics. First-person is MUCH more appropriate for Diabolica's gameplay style than 2/3 perspective, and will add much more depth to the game. The movement is smooth and all sorts of textures can be used for walls, ceilings, and floors.
I will continue to update you all on the progress of this as I make it!
Battle HUD Finalized:
Graphically, the battle system has finally been finished at its ultimate revision. I made the HUDs shorter vertically, and placed the faces and HP bars horizontal to each other, rather than vertical. The status icon also lost its special box and was moved to the bottom left hand corner of each face. You can also see the new faces that replaced the Kaduki placeholders!!
I am making much progress, though not all of it is something you can see. I will be sure to keep you all updated, and hope to release some goodies as well in the near future!
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